Money Matters
Sunday Collection …….………………..…….……$13,405.39
Three additional pledges; $10,030 additional pledged.
Continue the Vision Update
Building totals as of April 5, 2016
Total Pledged………………..………....…..$2,180,948.10
Total Paid ……….……………………...….$1,073,995.02
Number of Families Pledged………………....….………..618
Thank you to those who have already pledged to our campaign.
Additional donations and pledges are welcomed and needed to
reach our goal of $3,400,000.
Continue the Vision Update
Building totals as of March 29, 2016
Total Pledged………………..………....…..$2,170,918.10
Total Paid ……….……………………...….$1,055,376.41
Number of Families Pledged………………....….………..615
Thank you to those who have already pledged to our campaign.
Additional donations and pledges are welcomed and needed to
reach our goal of $3,400,000.