Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How many pledges have been withdrawn?

Last week the bulletin reported that $50,000 was donated to the building campaign by the Charles R. O’Malley Trust.  If that amount was added to the amount pledged as of July 11 ($2,235,599) today’s total should be $2,285,599;  the actual amount is only $2,260,717.  Thus using only these two points in time—$24,882 pledges were withdrawn which equates to 1.1% of the current amount  pledged.

Note: there were 19 additional pledges since July 11, 2011.  These additional pledges may mask many of the pledges withdrawn.  Reviewing  the net changes of pledged amounts each week, an estimate of total withdrawals can be made.  (See the chart in red below).  A slightly larger number of withdrawal is estimated.





Below chart was obtained from reported pledges from weekly parish bulletins,  available at this prior posting:

Chart of other pledge withdrawals


Withdrawn Pledges                   $ Amount Pledged         Date          # of Pledges

$3,000                                $2,260,717             12-5       611

                                           2,263,717            11-28       609

$3,495                               $2,265,717            11-28      609

               O’Malley Estate      +50,000

    deduction to balance           -3.495

                                          2,217,212         11-28      609

$2,790                               $2,212,807       10-24       606

                                          2,215,592        10-11       603

$7,845*                              $2,215,592       9-24         603

                                           2,223,437         9-1         604

$815                                   $2,222,547        8-15       598

                                            2,223,362        8-8         597

$14,257                              $2,221,342       7-25         594

                                            2,235,599       7-11        592

TOTAL: $32,202

Total excluding the $7,845



*  Because of decrease in number of pledges the $7,845 may really only be a correction.

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