Sunday, April 29, 2012

David Jones on Why Mitt Romney's Mormonism Does Matter - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online


To combat their aggressive evangelization, the Kansas City - St. Joseph Diocesan catechetical institute (the Bishop Helmsing Institute) under the leadership of Bishop Robert Finn recently hosted a conference on Mormonism.  Many folks are just unaware about what they believe.  Education about what Mormons actually believe is important for us as Catholics to know.

Mormons believe and teach that the soul pre-exists prior to entering the human body. The soul enters at birth.
That is why Mormon politicians can be either Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. That is why Mormons support embryonic stem research. That is why Mormons are typically weak on the Life issues. That is why Mitt Romney was Pro-Choice but now claims to be Pro-Life. It was politically expedient to be Pro-Choice in Massachusetts but now

Mitt Romney not only served as a Mormon missionary in France but was also considered a high priest, the equivalent of bishop to Catholics. He actually led his own local Mormon congregation at one time. It is impossible to reach that level without being a very serious, a very devout Mormon

Do you know Mitt's own Mormon family history in Mexico? Why did his family leave the United States? To escape not religious persecution but legal prosecution because they were polygamists after it had already been outlawed in Utah.

Click on the following to read the entire article;  David Jones on Why Mitt Romney's Mormonism Does Matter - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

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