Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's not about religious freedom - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

The Catholic Sentinel is published twice monthly by Oregon Catholic Press, and is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Portland.


To the Catholic Sentinel:
I am saddened that the U.S. bishops have chosen to deal with their disagreement with the Obama Administration over the insurance/contraception issue in the public and emotional way they have.

rious disagreement over public policy, but not a question of religious freedom. I would be interested in how the bishops would respond if the Jehovah’s Witness religion had the same political power as the Catholic Church and chose to deny coverage for blood transfusions to all who worked in their institutions?
I am curious as to why the American bishops have not released full information on who funded the expensive Fortnight for Freedom program.
Gerald Stanley, Yachats

The above is taken from :  It's not about religious freedom - Catholic Sentinel - Portland, OR

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