Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Michael D'Antonio: Milwaukee Documents Reveal Bishop Dolan's Bankruptcy Scheme and Frustration With Rome


Overall, the picture of Dolan that emerges in the papers is one of an administrator struggling to protect an institution's assets while defending its reputation. Some documents confirm that payments were made to induce priests who were accused of abuse to leave ministry and give up their faculties. Others show the bishop's frustration with Vatican officials and their slow-moving response to his requests that men who were credibly accused be dismissed from the priesthood. As years pass and the cases remain unresolved he referenced legislation that would allow for more lawsuits and wrote:

"The more we can demonstrate our seriousness about purifying the priesthood, as the Holy Father has implored us to do, the more we can speak credibly about the adverse effect of such legislation. Our critics challenge us on the fact that known abusers have still not been laicized."
Dolan's complaint represents one of the few instances where an American church leader's frustration with higher-ups in Rome has been made public

Click on the following for more details:  Michael D'Antonio: Milwaukee Documents Reveal Bishop Dolan's Bankruptcy Scheme and Frustration With Rome

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