Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Vatican Criticisms of U.S. Nuns Keep Coming


By Tierney Sneed Sept. 9, 2014 | 1:25 p.m. EDT

Indeed, in his year and a half in the papacy, Francis has reaffirmed the church’s stances against same-sex marriage, abortion and female ordination. While expressing a desire to broaden the opportunities for women in the church, he said he was “wary of a solution that can be reduced to a kind of ‘female machismo,’ because a woman has a different makeup than a man.”

However, he has also shaken up the leadership in other church offices, and with one of his top advisers criticizing Müller, some think it’s only a matter of time before Francis instructs the Vatican watchdog group to back off the American nuns as well.

The conflict is broader than “a group of radical nuns,” says Gerard Mannion, a Georgetown University professor and the school's Amaturo chair in Catholic studies.

“What we’re seeing is hopefully one of the final battles in a period of church history where antagonism was the doctrinal model,” he says.

In the meantime, the Leadership Council of Women Religious appears to be reluctant to see their situation further politicized. They have been very selective in their engagement with the media in light of recent tensions, and turned down the opportunity to comment to U.S. News.

“Their best strategy is letting the Vatican keep tripping over themselves,” Piazza says.

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