Wednesday, August 15, 2012

LCWR, women religious congregations: same corpus | National Catholic Reporter


by Thomas C. Fox on Aug. 15, 2012


An episcopal technique I have come to notice in recent months involves placing heaps of praise at the feet of our women religious congregations while blasting the Leadership Conference of Women Religious for having led them astray by “radical feminist” thought…..

This “good sisters,” “bad LCWR,” back flip deserves some attention

And for the record, this note is not a lead up to the hot topic of women’s ordination. LCWR’s vision is larger. It involves treating each person, male or female, with equal respect and dignity and valuing each person’s contributions upon an equal and inclusive playing field. It involves finding new ways for lost credibility within our church to be restored. It involves finding ways to reach out to the young by witnessing authentically to the Word….

Read the entire opinion piece by clicking on e following:  LCWR, women religious congregations: same corpus | National Catholic Reporter

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