Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Capital Plan is right on schedule?

The following speech was delivered from the pulpit at announcement time at Masses on December 3-4, 2011.


Reviewing the speech now two months later is the capital campaign really on schedule?  Where are the detail plans?  Despite numerous bulletin inserts and personal appeals from the campaign committee from the pulpit, barely a $100,000 of additional pledges have been promised in  two months [January 30 pledges equaled $2,308,119.48 versus this statement of $2,217,212.44]  Are we still on schedule?  Have we ever been on schedule?



Capital Campaign Update


December 2011

Advent is already upon us. As we await the birth of our Lord, let us contemplate the birth of our new church. As we journey through this joyous season, praising GOD for His love of us and thanking Him for the gift of His Son for our salvation, let us spend some time thinking about what a wonderful blessing our new church will be for all of us.

Think about how wonderful it will be to worship together as a united parish community, instead of a number of small groups. Think about how wonderful it will be to come to church and find a place to sit in a pew and worship GOD in comfort, even on Christmas and Easter. Think about how wonderful it will be to bring your family and visiting relatives to church and be able to sit together for midnight Mass.

And as you think about how wonderful it will be when the new church is completed, be sure to thank GOD for your St. James community brothers and sisters who are making the commitment to ensure that our new church becomes a reality for all of us. Thank them for their sacrifice and generosity.

Our Capital Campaign is right on schedule. The final renderings are being completed, the detailed building plans are being drawn up, and we are working on bringing in the balance of the pledges needed to break ground.

Status Report: Total Pledges: $2,217,212.44

Total Paid On Pledges: $807,560.72

Number of Families Pledged: 609

Thank you again to all those who are making the commitment to build this new church for GOD and our St. James community. If you have not yet made your commitment, now is the time to do so. Please help us keep on schedule so we may break ground in the spring of 2012.

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