Sunday, February 5, 2012

Reposting: St James’ New Church Feasibility Study

St James Church Feasibility Study

A two page summary of the Feasibility Study was given to the parishioners before the campaign began. I lost my, so the photocopies below are from another parishioner. The notes on the report belong to that other parishioner. However I agree with some of the questions which their notes infer—that is— 1. What validity is there to this survey of 339 families when there are nearly 2000 families in the parish? 2. On page 2 if you combine the negative and unsure answers a majority often occurs.

Then there is this question: “If the campaign proceeds as proposed, will you support Father Geary and the parish leadership to the best of your ability to help ensure that the campaign is successful?” Is this not a leading question which leaves the respondent little room to answer in the negative?

The area in yellow area of page 2 states that it is “vitally important that this information [site plans, costs and timelines] is available during a campaign as many parishioners had a number of questions concerning the building on a new church”. Has the parish complies with this suggestion?


Click on the photocopy to enlarge:

Feasibility 1

Feasibility 2

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